Thursday, May 31, 2007

Puzzle Queen

Did I ever mention that I LOVE puzzles?

When I was 18 months old, I could do my 15 piece wooden one with the little knobs in less than a minute. Then when I was three, I got bored with all the 24 piece numbers, so Mom got me a few 63 piece ones at garage! Those were fun, and I figured out how to put them together one row at a time...always starting at the bottom and finding each consecutive piece to add at time. Dad and Mom would try to help and start on another way...I wouldn't be ready for that piece. Now that I am four (and I remind everyone that fact daily) I'm doing 100 piece puzzles of Cinderella and Care Bears and Kitties. We have a Curious George one that I haven't tried yet. They are really hard and I usually have help...but yesterday I did the Cinderella one ALL BY MYSELF!!!! I was so excited! Since then I've done it 3 more times alone. I think Mommy is sometimes scared about what she's getting into with homeschooling me in a year or so.

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