Thursday, December 06, 2007

Dear Santa,

I'm writing a letter to you and I'm wanting to tell you what I'm wanting to get. And, um, I'll give you a card so you'll know what I'm doing and what I'm wanting to do. And I was wondering if you could make some My Little Pony stuff in your toy shop?

And I was wanting some My Little Pony movies. And I want the Barbie the Island Princess movie. And I want a dolly crib. And a My Little Pony book & dress up clothes and Rarity the Unicorn.

And I was wondering if I could get a My Little Pony puzzle and TeaPot Palace. And I was wondering if you had a fifty dollar so I could buy Baby Alive? And I want a My Little Pony baby.

Are you feeling good? Santa, where do you get the stuff to make toys? Santa, we have lots and lots of ornaments on our tree.

Love, Elena

(I drew a rainbow on the front of Santa's card and then we put it in "Santa's Magic Mailbox" that he gave to Mom and Dad. By magic it was gone to the North Pole this morning!)

Dear Santa,
No! I don't like Santa. I not doing it. --Kai (He put his in the Magic Mailbox too...but his had a Halloween sticker and some scribbles on the front. I don't know if Santa will like it.)

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